Precious memories

Created by Leslie 3 years ago

Such special memories I have of pop, much too many to mention here. Here are just a few.

Do you remember when you and nan used to take me out every Wednesday to visit a garden centre . It was a date we never missed. We were like the three musketeer's.

Do you remember you used to take me to all my job interviews. It was never too much trouble for you. We used to laugh on the way home about how I answered the interview questions.

Do you remember the holiday to Cornwall ? The one where I left my handbag at home. Then you forgot to bring your shower gel, and I said at the time why is it when we go on holiday it's like going with Mork and Mindy. We had so many happy times.

Do you remember when I showed you a photo of where Les and I were going on holiday - the Maldives I believe. Very nice you said, but you warned, you will have to be careful in the water. Why? I asked . Well there are dogs doings in the water. I laughed so hard tears rolled down my face. That's not dogs doings pop, that's coral.

And then there was the time you bought a watch and did not know how to work it. You had me cracked up that day so much so I had no more breath and conked out.

You taught me how to pinch out tomatoes so I could harvest a bumper crop. I'm still waiting for that.

Oh such precious memories I will carry in my thoughts  forever. There was no one quite like you pop, never was and never will be.

May you rest in peace my special friend and wonderful dad. Annetta